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regathering updates

latest update:

DECEMBER 18, 2020

We have set in place the following guidelines for our church gatherings. Thank you in advance for helping us to maintain these guidelines.




  • We ask that if you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, or have been in direct contact with someone who has been recently diagnosed with Covid-19, please stay home and utilize our online services.


  • Sunday school classes begin at 9:30am.  They are currently available for kids kindergarten-6th grade, teens, and adults.


  • Our Sunday services are held at 10:45am and 6pm.


  • Childcare and children’s church (Pointe Kids) will not be offered during worship services yet. We thank you for your understanding, and we invite you to bring your children with you to the worship service. ​


  • Face coverings are requested when you are in the building and in close proximity to others. Please bring your face covering with you. ​​


  • For those who are unable to join in-person gatherings, we will stream our Sunday morning services on our YouTube channel at 10:45am. There may be some mornings where streaming is not possible. In those cases, we will post the audio message later in the week. The information will be posted on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page at: and here on our website under the messages tab. 





  • Diligent and extensive cleaning is completed after every gathering.


  • ​Our new HVAC system allows for maximum air flow and circulation of fresh air throughout the sanctuary.  In addition, if weather permits, windows in the church sanctuary will be partially opened to allow for additional fresh air circulation. Please keep this in mind when sitting next to the windows.


  • Hand sanitizer and masks are available in the lobby.


  • The chair layout has been adjusted to allow for social distancing.  Seating has been decreased to 250. Per CDC guidelines, we ask that you maintain a 6 foot distance from those not in your household.  


  • Touchless offering collections will be taken. You may also choose to give online here on our website under the 'give' tab or text the dollar amount you wish to give to: 734-228-7966.


  • When communion is offered, individually wrapped communion supplies are available for you to pick up upon entering the sanctuary.


  • Once services have concluded, we ask that you utilize every available exit door and minimize indoor gatherings.


  • Several rooms/areas are not available for use at this time. They will be marked with clear signage, please do not enter these rooms for any reason. ​​


  • Our paper bulletins have gone digital!  We invite you to view our digital bulletin each week here:



    • Connexions Wednesday night Bible study is currently meeting in-person and broadcasting on Zoom Wednesdays at 7pm.

    • The Pointe youth group will continue meeting in-person in the student center.

    • The New Life Clothing Closet is open on Wednesdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm and 7pm-8pm.

    • Pointe Kids programs have resumed at 7pm for children 4 years-6th grade.


Our desire is that everyone is safe as we continue moving forward. We will take this week by week and notify you of any changes.


If you have questions we have not addressed here, or need any of our pastoral staff for any reason, do not hesitate to call us at the church office at 734-721-7410 or email us at


Thank you so much for your understanding and helping us maintain a safe, healthy environment for our worship! 




If you are in need of counseling, please contact the church office to be put in touch with a Pastor or a Stephens Minister. 

We can be reached at 734-721-7410 or

sunday services

Our Sunday morning worship services are still online for those who are not ready to join our in-person gatherings. Please join us at 10:45am on Sunday mornings to worship virtually together.


To watch our Sunday morning service, click the button below. 

rightnow media

Are you using RightNow Media?

It’s a resource here at CrossPointe with hundreds of Bible studies available to you at no charge.


If you would like to use this service but don’t have a password, please contact Pastor Mick at

find help

If you or someone you know needs help paying for food, paying bills, or has other needs during this time (or in the near future), please visit It lists free and reduced-cost services in every city in America and highlights hundreds of programs supporting people who have been specifically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


To visit, click the button below.

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